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Believer. Actress. Host. Foodie.


You know that girl who was always being told to be quiet and stop socializing in class? Yup, that was me. I seem to truly fit my characters on Shameless, Those Who Can't and Marvels Runaways: Outspoken, badass leaders of the pack who stand up for what they believe in and will not take no for an answer. It all makes sense when I tell you that I was raised in a Californian agricultural town called Bakersfield with a Discrimination Investigator as my Mom and a military Sargent/ Peace Officer as my Dad. Don't let that scare you though, I was raised to have compassion and passion. So much so, in my free time I host events at The Children's Hospital Los Angeles for the Elizabeth A. McDonald foundation and I decided talk to people, about people, and  actually be other people for a living. The sweet, innocent, and socially awkward side of me you will see in my starring roles of Cody, in Amazon's pilot The Legend of Master Legend, or Vivian in the film Dear Vivian.  Follow me on social media to keep up with me and all my latest news @Anjelikaw.

Love & Gratitude,


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